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White Oak Dental Blog

3 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Make You Look Younger

July 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 10:09 am
Senior with a youthful smile

The connection between oral health and overall appearance is undeniable. A healthy smile doesn’t just signify strong teeth; it also plays a significant role in determining how old we look. With advancements in cosmetic dentistry, achieving a more vibrant and youthful appearance is now within reach. Let’s delve into three effective ways through which cosmetic dentistry can help turn back the clock.


Summer Foods That Dental Implants Let You Enjoy

July 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 9:50 am
Someone at a summer barbecue

Dental implants can give people who are missing teeth a completely new approach to the best things in life, including food. If you’ve recently had a tooth replaced, you’re probably ready to test out what the tooth is capable of. You’ll be happy to learn that summer is a great time to do that.

There are plenty of summer foods that can be a little bit hard to eat if you’re missing teeth or if your oral health isn’t the best. Here are some examples that dental implants can give you a chance to enjoy


4 Useful Oral Health Tips for Summer Vacation

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 3:58 pm
a person smiling while visiting a beach

Summer is finally in full swing—get ready for warmer weather, poolside shenanigans, and the possibility of travel! However, no matter where you’re going or what you’re doing this summer vacation, one thing you absolutely shouldn’t do is take a break from caring for your pearly whites; the consequences of not doing so might spoil your fun! Here are some useful tips from your dentist that’ll help you and your loved ones maintain healthy and bright smiles all summer long, so you can focus on enjoying yourselves!


5 Useful Tips for Seeming Friendlier & More Approachable

June 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 3:21 pm
a woman smiling while shaking a man’s hand

You’re going to meet so many people throughout your lifetime—and whether it’s for a job interview, a first date, or something else entirely, you should want the impression you leave to be both lasting and positive. This is where your smile comes in handy; a healthy, attractive grin can work wonders for the first impressions you make. But your pearly whites aren’t the only assets you have access to when it comes to appearing more approachable. Here are five useful tips your dentist wants you to keep in mind that can help you make the most of every social situation.


4 Reasons to Take a Trip to Your Dentist Before Summer Vacation!

May 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 7:16 am
a family with healthy smiles at the beach for their summer vacation

Summer vacation is just around the corner! Whether you have a tropical destination with the family planned or you will simply be having some fun “staycations” by visiting local hotspots, it can be a good idea to take care of your smile beforehand. By visiting your dentist for a checkup and exam, you can help you enjoy your time even more. Read on to learn four reasons why it’s best to take care of your oral health before you go on summer vacation.


How to Protect Yourself from Oral Cancer

April 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 9:15 pm
a banner that reads “oral cancer awareness month”

When you see your dentist for a checkup, you may not be acutely aware of everything that they’re doing. For example, did you know that an oral cancer screening is a part of every checkup?

This exam takes mere moments, but in many ways, it’s one of the most important things your dentist checks you for. Oral cancer is incredibly serious, and detecting it early is one of the best ways to ensure a positive outcome.

With that in mind, here are some of the most common risk factors for oral cancer, and what symptoms you should look for.


3 Dental Treatments Your Tax Return Can Pay For

April 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 9:04 pm
sign that reads “tax refund ahead”

The day that people get their tax refunds is always an occasion for celebration. If you’ve been putting off a big purchase for a while, that tax refund can be an opportunity to fund something that could desperately need it.

If you have dental insurance, you probably manage to take advantage of the preventive care covered by your plan. However, your tax refund could potentially go towards some dental care that insurance can’t ordinarily cover. Here are some examples.


5 Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Smile for Spring!

March 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 7:11 pm
a family smiling after doing a spring cleaning for their teeth

The weather is warming up, the birds are chirping, and the flowers are blooming. It’s official…springtime has arrived. This season is a time of renewal, which means spring cleaning is often a part of people’s “to-do” lists during March. While not often considered, you can always put your smile on that list! There’s no better time than now to push the reset button on your oral health. Here are five simple ways to refresh your smile for spring.


How Long Can You Count on Your Dental Fillings to Last?

March 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 5:14 pm
a woman getting her dental filling examined

If you have had one or more cavities in your lifetime, you are definitely not alone! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 90% of adults 20 years and older have had at least one cavity. Fortunately, no one has to live with decayed or damaged teeth. Dental fillings have to ability to repair and restore your teeth to health. However, while you can count on them for quite a while, they won’t last forever. Here’s what to know about dental fillings’ lifespans and how you can get the most out of them.


How Gum Disease Can Harm Your Heart

February 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskadentistteam @ 1:41 am
person smiling and holding up a paper heart

Gum disease is an infection of the soft tissue that helps hold the teeth in place. Though it is easy to avoid with proper oral hygiene, nearly half of American adults have it. That’s approximately 65 million people. Gum disease can do a lot of harm to your smile, but the damage doesn’t stop there. Continue reading to learn about how it can raise your risk of cardiovascular issues as well as what you can do to prevent it.

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